Trying to Find My Way….
So vision is not effortless. Nor is it faithful: if you ever believed that your brain gives an accurate representation of what is “out there” in the same way that a movie camera would, then David Brown’s untouched photographs should quickly disabuse you of that notion. Instead, your attentional machinery slowly crawls the scene, analyzing interesting landmarks until it detects what is useful for the next step. In the case of one of Brown’s visual moments in time, you might be in the middle of looking for the door to the shop, or where to step, or whether the traffic light is ready to let you cross. All the other details are unconsciously and nimbly filtered out. – Dr. David Eagleman
This modern world demands we process volumes of information at a warp speed. I believe, this is what I have captured with these images. trying to find my way… is a collection of images that explore what unfiltered visual information might like. These images are an exploration into perception, culture and the heartbeat of cities across the globe.
With this new work, I aim to capture and present the complexity of our American social landscape as it is evidenced in the microcosm of urban environments. These images reflect America’s paradoxical facets in ways that are beautiful, strange, unfamiliar, challenging, rewarding and renewing.
This work is based on perception- the anatomy, the physiology and how it communicates with both the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind.
I really am amazed at the volume and range of information I process on a daily basis. My fascination comes from the infinite possibilities we have everyday in choosing what to see, the context in which we process the image and our reactions to it. From what I gather, the visual cortex provides us with several tools to manage the constant flow of visual information, ranging from object based association, perspective, and pattern recognition.
There is not a solid number, but there is a general understanding in the neuroscience community that the conscious mind processes only a fraction of the information coming into our brain. This is the foundation of this exhibition. My images are an effort to present an unfiltered view of the infinity before each of us.
On the surface, this work offers too much information. It’s almost overwhelming. However, I invite you to investigate beyond the surface of the work. These images are cultural archeology sites for you to dig and dust off the treasures that are hidden beneath the surface.